Saturday, November 20, 2010

SHIMA (the label) will be back. Soon.

It's been so long since my last post! It was not my intention to have been neglecting the blog.
But it has been a 'long & winding' road pour moi these couple months. I have decided to temporarily stop producing clothes. I repeat, temporarily. And may I say it again, TEMPORARILY.

It is shocking and sad. But better things needs to be done.
Due to our (as in me & my husband's) big plan in establishing JAYSU Photography. I will be focusing more on working out the system and management, and also the creative direction. Though on my spare time I still do some stylings/photoshoots/sketching&designing/making clothes as my utmost joyful moments.

It's love. It's family.
Sometimes you gotta pull back a little and see the bigger picture and sacrifice.
You'll get more in the end.

SHIMA will be back soon. Soon enough you won't be noticing.

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I would really love to hear from you! So, talk to me baby..